Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Final Project

This class was very fun. I really enjoyed using different programs to create things that I normally wouldn't think to do. This is what I have so far on my design promotion project. I would take this class again and would learn new things. There is always something to learn with these projects.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Travel Brochure

This was an extremely fun project. I really liked the place that I choose which made the project even more fun. In-design wasn't as hard as I originally thought it was going to be. It was just Photoshop and Illustrator which made In-design easy to navigate. The only thing I wish we did more was do more projects in In-design to make it easier for this project and then we would be more experienced, but other than that, I really enjoyed this project.

Friday, November 30, 2018


This project was a good starter for learning In-design because I learned how to make the text follow a line. I really enjoyed this project because I liked making the flag with the text effects. I also learned how to make a background transparent and how to make a gradient text.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


This project was very fun because I have always wanted to do an animation. I never thought that you could do this in Photoshop and it was very fun to figure out how to make an animation. I added a lot of frames to make the animation longer. I did run into some problems like making the letters do what I wanted them to do, but I eventually figured it out and the final project turned out pretty good.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Thanksgiving Turkey

This project was really fun. I liked that I got to use my imagination and create a fun colorful turkey with an even more fun and colorful background. I did follow the video to get the gist of making the turkey, but I choose my own colors. I also had fun with making the rainbow in the background. Overall, this project was fun and I would like to do something similar but as a different picture.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Tracing Bear

I loved tracing the lines to make a picture. There were some spots that I used the pen tool and didn't make it a complete line, so some of the white is on the nose, but other than that, I really liked this project. I especially loved choosing my own colors.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

P2 Shapes

This was pretty easy for me. I believe that I got the pen tool down and can create much more than what I think I can create. This project was fun for me because I go to get used to the pen tool. I got everything done and started to do the copyright thing, but didn't have time to finish it.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Spooky Effects

This project was very fun. The only thing that was hard about it was finding a word and things to go with the word. I choose horse because it was the first thing that came to mind. It took me awhile to think about what I could do for the E, but eventually I figured it out. I really liked this project, it really stretched my imagination.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


This project was really fun. I enjoyed looking up ideas on the internet and being able to recreate them with my Illustrator skills. I really enjoyed putting all the knowledge that I learned to make these logos. I really like the one with the text following the circle. Overall, I really enjoyed this project.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Gradient Sphere

This was fun but very tedious. You had to make the sphere a certain way to make it work, but after you got the basics down, it was really fun to make the sphere and get my name on it. It was annoying that you had to make another sphere to get the name on it, but after I got it the right shape, it looked really cool. I enjoyed this project.

Friday, October 19, 2018


I thought that this project was a little hard at first because I forgot how to rotate an object, but once I figured it out, it was very easy and I got the hang of it. I liked making my own because I could choose my own colors and that made it even more fun. It got easier the more I did it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Basic Shapes

I think that Illustrator was fun but hard. It is going to take a while to get used to it, but after a few projects, I think that I am going to really enjoy working in Illustrator. I am curious about how hard Illustrator can get.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Magazine Cover

I really enjoyed this project and it was fun for me to create. I chose the most recent picture of me as my background and made it black and white with me being in color. I had to cut out my head to get the title behind my head. I added the text wrap to my name. I added the two pictures I had of me on a vacation as my two tiny pictures and added effects to them. I added a outer glow to the text to make it stand out. Overall I really enjoyed this project.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Join the Crowd

This project was really fun because I got to bring my wand to school and duel myself. It was hard to make it look real in the photo, because lighting was a problem, but other than that, it was really fun. For the border I did the feather effect and for the text I went online to find the Harry Potter text. I added many effects to the text like a inner shadow and a drop shadow and many others. I really enjoyed this project.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Motion Blur

I really enjoyed this project because I have seen these type of things on the internet, but never knew how to make a picture blurry without making the person or object blurry. This was really easy for me and only took me a few minutes to make.


This project was very easy and didn't take much time to do. I really enjoyed the final project because the colorization makes the picture look really cool and pretty. I did three different photos because it didn't take much time.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Object in a bottle

This project didn't work for me at first because I chose a bottle that was green and I chose butterflies but it looked like it was not inside the bottle but on top of the bottle. I then changed it to be a kitty and it worked much better. The only hard part was finding the correct colors to make it look like the cat is in the bottle. Otherwise, I enjoyed this project.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Clipping Mask

This project was really fun in my opinion because I have always wondered how people did this with their words. The hardest part in my opinion was finding the pictures that would fit into the letters, but other than that, I had a blast making this project. The pictures that I added were wither pictures of me, or some activities that I enjoy doing. I added effects to the letters to make them stand out and added a gradient to the background to make it fun. All in all, I really enjoyed this project.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Face Swap

For this project, I followed the video "Swap Faces in Photoshop" by Photoshop Training Channel in order to swap the faces. I choose a picture of Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe to swap the faces. I had to do this project a few times because I originally choose a photo of two people who had different skin tones and that made it a lot harder. In the end, I chose two different photos and it worked perfectly.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018




I found this project a little harder than I first expected because of the angle of the original picture. It was hard to shape the people walking and find pictures that would work in my project.I added the red car at the end of the line. That was the first thing I added into the picture, so it was the hardest to find the right angle. I then added the five avengers billboards and tried to fit them to the original billboards. I also added Iron Man and changed his opacity to look like he is flying through the clouds. I also added Spider-Man of the side of the building and changed his opacity so it would look natural. I then added the first Thanos that I had Black Widow fighting. I then duplicated Thanos and put him further up on the sidewalk. I also added Robert Downey Jr walking happily on the sidewalk. For my text, I found an Avengers text online and added a gradient to make it look cool.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


I thought that this project was really fun. The first picture is the original that I recreated. I used the Magic Wand tool to outline the different veggies and put them in one picture. The second picture was made from the same tools and the same veggies, but in a fun and creative way. The third picture is a concert of the two Veg-Heads. I put in the text and some mics for them to sing.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Family Font Poster

I thought that this project was a really fun way of getting to know how Photoshop worked. I loved getting to use the different fonts and positioning them in a way that looks pretty and not messy. I learned that the layers are a really important tool because sometimes, some names would get in the way, so I had to use the layer panel to hide different layers. My poster is all the names of my family members and other words that correspond to family. I changed the color of the words that tie to family and the titles of family members.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Powered by emaze
  This Emaze is all about me and some things that you should know about me. I think that Emaze is very cool and I will use it in the future because it makes a presentation way more fun to watch. I like how there are different themes and some of the themes are a 3D design to make it look like you are inside the presentation.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Welcome to Computer Graphics

I am excited for this class because I really love computers and I want to learn as much as I can before I go off to college. I am excited to learn about the different programs that I don't know much about and I want to create a lot of new and creative things through this class.